1sunfight’s Weblog

October 31, 2008

Effigies on the Campaign Trail

Filed under: Daily Observations,Obama,politics,Uncategorized — Julie P @ 12:47 pm
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In as many days more effigies have turned up on the campaign trail. There were others to turn in the south about Obama, not to mention one of Palin in Hollywood. Today two were arrested in Kentucky today for hanging an effigy of Obama, reminders of Jim Crowe days. Also let us not forget that just days ago two neo Nazis were arrested for plotting to murder Obama.

It is my belief that the escalated negativity in this presidential campaign season had drawn the worst in some people. This is what happens when lies, vicious lies are told about the other candidate, Obama in particular, are told over and over until the people at rallies are in a mob state.


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